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Alone Time

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Everyday from Monday to Friday, we do the same activity. We get out of the bed, take a shower then get prepared for work. We spend eight hours a day at work from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Not to mention if there is a traffic jam, we have to stay longer on the road. All of this, we do it in 5 days. Even there are some people who have to work on Saturday or maybe Sunday. We meet a lot of people, some make us laugh or happy, some make us sad or angry. Our body is tired, our mind is tired. This may affect our relationships with others like friends or the one we love. If our mind and body is tired, we can easily become angry if someone say sensitive things.

Personally, I have had that in my life. Sometimes sharing to friends, relatives or parents, it's not necessarily helpful. We expect them to support our complaints or we expect them to sympathize. But we can't always expect that. Maybe they have their own problems. So then I think, how can I get rid this bad feeling from my mind or my body. My suggestion is you need time to be alone. What I mean being alone is the moment where you really aren't bothered by anything or anyone. Try to go somewhere where it's quiet and still. Just yourself. Don't bring any electronic devices. Try to close your eyes and clear your mind. I say to you: It's okay to be alone. Indeed there must be times when we need to restore our body and mind.

One of my high school teacher said, she had gone one week without her cellphone. And you know what did she feel? She was very satisfied with that. She even told us she wanted to try again. We live in an era where holding an electronic devices like a cellphone, is a must. There are even some people who feel addicted to always hold their cellphone. Surfing at social media, giving like to friend's photos and then feel guilty because we can't like them. It's irony, isn't it?

So that's why, try to maximize your time, at least once in your life, to be alone. Just yourself, without anyone or anything. Take your time. It's the moment when we find out what is it in our self. It's the moment when we make peace with our self. And it's the moment when we restore our mind and body.

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