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Dream House

"So guys, here we are!"

"We arrived already, Dad?!"

"Is this our new house?!"

"Yes, children. This is our new house." my wife replies them.

"I didn't expect this big. It's a big house." says Rebbeca.

"Must be big rooms in there." Eddy is very excited about this.

"Let's get inside. Come."

When I get out of the car, I'm amazed at how beautiful our new house. There is a small garden in front and one big tree. Under it, there is a small bench if we want to relax. This house has 2 garage doors, so it can contain 2 cars. From the front fence, we walk in to the door.

"The footpath is nice. It's made of ceramic." My wife says that.

"Yes, right. I like it. It looks elegant." I reply her.

When we are inside, the first thing we see is our living room. It's quite big. It has big wooden table and long white sofa. The whole floor in the house is made of marble.

"Children, you can go look around if you want." I say it to them.

"Okay, Dad." They immediately run away.

"Let's look around too."

"Yeah, I'd love to." says my wife.

From this, we walk to the right. Now, we are in family room. There is a television sticks to the wall. In front of it, there is also a wooden table and the sofa. This family room is connected to the dining room. The dining room is modern enough. There is a table and six chairs around it. Next to it, there is the kitchen, with electric stove and smoke suction under it. On the right side of family room, there is a door to the garage. On the left side, there is a stairs for the second floor and also a door for the backyard.

"What door is this?" asks my wife.

"Oh, it's for the backyard. From there, we can go to the front yard."

"So they are connected?"


Then we go upstairs. The stairs handle is made of wood. So it has a strong grip and comfortable. On the second floor, it has a small wooden table and small sofa. It's a small family room. Unlike on the first floor, it doesn't have a television. Just a place for getting relax and gather around. From here, we can go to the balcony. There is three bedrooms on the second floor. The size of these three bedrooms is quite spacious, considering the house is two floors and there are only three bedrooms. So, we get inside our bedroom.

"So how do you think?" I ask to my wife.

"It's beautiful." I see her face. She is very happy with the room design. To the left, there is a small table. Maybe I can put my computer there. Above it, there is a book stand. Next to the table, it's our bed. It has two pillows and two bolsters. On the left and right side, there is a night lamp. Then next to it, there is a dressing table. In front of the bed, there is a table with a drawer under it and a TV above it.

"This must be the bathroom door?" asks my wife.

"Yes, it is. Every room has its bathroom." I answer her.

The bathroom is quite big. It has shower with heat and cold temperature. The design is like a hotel for me. The light is not white, but it's more yellow. I really like this kind of light, because it gives you chill. Our bedroom has this kind of yellow light, especially the night lamp.

"How is with children's room?" she asks me.

"Well, about the same as ours." I answer her.

"I see. So what's the plan after this?"

"We go dinner, then go home for packing. Tomorrow we move here."

We go out of the room and sit on the front sofa. Not for long, our children come out of their room. They look happy. "So how is it?" I ask them.

"It's amazing, Dad." says Eddy.

"Yeah, I really like the bedroom. It's big and neat." Rebecca continues it.

"Ha Ha, good. Tomorrow, we will move here." says my wife.

"Nooo, why tomorrow? I want to get sleep here." Eddy is sad to hear his mother said that.

"We still have to pack our stuff to get move here. Tomorrow is a big day." I answer him.

"It's okay. We can do farewell party with our old house tonight." My wife jokes to him.

"Mom! You are really something." Rebecca replies her. "So what now, Dad?"

"Now we go dinner, after that we go back to our home. We sleep earlier tonight, for tomorrow we have to wake in the morning."

"Okay then."

So we go downstairs and get out of the house. I turn on the outside lights. At the car, I look back to our new house and I say to myself "My dream house. Finally I can get you." After that, we leave and wait for tomorrow to come.

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