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Lake and Mountains

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It's 5 in the evening. The sun is getting low. Its light is reflected in this lake, glowing like a diamond. The water is green. I'm standing up at the lakeside, starring forward to this beautiful mountain. There is a few snow on it. At the foothills, lined a lot of spruces so it looks like a big forest.

At my right, there is a small docks to the cabin. The cabin is quite big, maybe around 10 m x 20 m. The wall is made of woods and there are 3 big windows. Two at the left side and the other at the right side. The back wall has 7 small windows. It doesn't look luxurious, but it's quite comfy. So I walk to the cabin. I can see the water under this small wooden bridge. It's very clear, I can see the rocks and sand in it. Inside this cabin, the first thing I feel is cozy. The atmosphere is quiet and calm, only the sound of water. There is only one big table and some chairs. Then I look the front of this cabin, there is a stairs down to the lake. At the end of this stairs, there is a ledge and some wooden canoes. I try to get on it. This is my first time I row a canoe. They way to row it is we turn our backs to the canoe and then we row it backward, so the canoe moves forward. I row it slowly. It starts to move, so I go to the middle of the lake.

When I get there, I stop and look around me. This panorama is so beautiful. I'm in the middle of the lake, surrounded by mountains and a lot of spruces. I look at the water, it reflects the mountains and the spruces. The water is calm, very calm. You don't feel like on the water. Once I hear birds from the spruces. The cool wind blows my face. This serenity makes me want to stay here forever, far away from the city. A place that so noisy and messy. Far from people. I try to touch the water. It's cold because this lake is around 1500 meters of altitude. I'm really enjoying this, I close my eyes and lying down, breathe in the fresh air.

"Bong! Bong! Bong!" A church bell ringing. I didn't realize, I lied down too long and almost forgot everything. It's already 6 o'clock, but the sky is still bright. From here, I can see the church at the left side from lake. It's white, the wall is made from stones. I row back my canoe to the cabin, because I need to go somewhere else. At the cabin, I pack my stuffs then I walk to my car. Before I leave, I look back to this amazing view. Really, this is an amazing experience in my life.

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