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Leaving on a Jet Plane: Arrival

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Nothing's gonna change my love for you. You oughta know by now how much I love you. One thing you can be sure of I'll never ask for more than your love”.

The music calms me. I'm sitting in the lounge, enjoying my toast and warm sweet tea. Once I see people around me. It's already 2 weeks since my husband went out of town. It's suppose today he returns. I open my phone and see our chat. "Hi, what are you doing now? Please don't feel loneliness. I have a good news for you. I'll be back in 2 days. My plane leaves at 16.00, so maybe I'll land around 17.00 , at Terminal C. Can you pick me up? I miss you." I smile to myself. Just look at his writings can make me smile, especially when I see him. He was right, 2 weeks is like nothing. At first, I was feeling lonely, but I keep myself busy with other things, like my exhausting job.

"Well, it's a long waiting." I see my watch, it's 16.45. I think he'll land in 15-20 minutes. While I'm waiting, I can read magazines here.

"Good evening, ma'am." The voice comes from my left. I shock a little bit and I turn to it. It's a waiter. He sees that I was shocked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." He continues.

"That's alright. What is it?" I ask him.

"We have new menu. It's durian ice cream. Would you like to taste it?"

"Ice cream? You have it?" I'm curious.

"Yes ma'am. We just made it. Therefore, we would like to offer to all guests here. While waiting, maybe you can try it." He explains it.

"I see. Okay, I want 2 ice creams. One for here, another one for take home." "Okay, ma'am. Anything else?"

"That would be all."

"Right, thank you. May I take your toast plate?"

"Yes, please. Thank you." I reply him.

I continue my reading. It's now 16.55. I hope the plane is on time, because from here to our home takes 45 minutes. Not for long, the waiter comes back with the ice creams.

"This is your order. Two ice creams. One for here, the other for take home."

"Thank you, sir." Then I eat it. "Wow, it tastes good. The durian is very tasteful." My husband will like it. He really likes durian ice cream.

After that, I hear an announcement "The flight from Singapore has just landed." It must be him. I immediately finish my ice cream and then wait in front of the arrival gate.

I'm walking there when I feel my phone vibrates, so I see who it is. It's him. "I'm landed. Now I'm picking up my luggage." I reply him "Okay." When I get there, there are quite a lot of people here. More people than the departure 2 week ago. My heart is pounding. It's only 2 weeks we've separated, but I miss him so much. It's true people say that long distance relationship is bad. We've never separated for this long, even this far. I miss his laugh, his smile. I think I miss everything from him. This kind of moment can make loves become stronger.

10 minutes later, I see him walk out of the gate. I wave at him. He sees me and comes to me.

"Hello, my dear." He hugs me.

"Hello." I hug him back.

"I really miss you. Two weeks I didn't see you. It feels so long."

"Ha Ha, yeah. I miss you too." I see his smiling face. "Oh, I bought you something. One of your favorite food." I say to him.

"What is it? Must be tasteful." He is curious.

"Here it is. Durian ice cream." I hand it to him.

"Wow, it has been so long I haven't eaten it. Maybe years." He jokes.

"Ha Ha Ha, give me a break!" I hit his chest. He eats it. "Hm, it's very tasty ice cream."

"I know, right? I ate it and it's so good."

"You want one?" He offers me the spoon. "Of course." I don't reject it.

"Let's go get some eat. I'm starving. There is a nice restaurant near our home."

"Yes." He holds my hand. Then we leave away.

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