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Leaving on a Jet Plane

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"Why is so sudden?!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect this, but.."

"You always make an excuse!"


I see you leaving the room and start to cry. Deep inside me, I also feel guilty. But nothing I can do. I try to clear my mind. I have to calm her down. So I leave the room and I come to her. I sit beside her. I look at you and tears in your face. Slowly, I try to hold you hand.

"I know, this is very sudden. I'm sad as well, because our trip plan in the next 3 days must be canceled."

"Yes, that's it..." She is sobbing.

"I can't do anything. I was given tasked by my boss to go out of town. There is an urgent problem and I'm the only one who can solve it, so he told me to go there." I try to convince her. You seem calm and begin to understand the situation.

"It's not very long. Only 2 weeks."

"But it's very long to me..."

"Don't focus with the time. Just go with it and you'll realize it's already 2 weeks. And you know what?" I stop for a while.


"After that, I promise we'll go on vacation." I'm smiling at her and she smiles back. Then I hug her. "It's alright. Everything is going to be okay." I kiss her forehead.

Now it's 9 p.m. I'm packing my stuffs for tomorrow. "When will your plane leave tomorrow?" She asks me.

"At 5.30 a.m" I answer her.

"You have to get sleep fast."

"Right. After I'm done with it, I go to sleep."

"Let me help you."

"Thanks, dear." She is coy. I think to myself, although she is easily get carried away, she has a very kind heart, always help and support me. I'm very lucky to have her as my life partner.

It's 9.45 p.m. Finally we are done. "Okay, we're done."

"Right, now you take a shower and get some sleep. Tomorrow I'll take you to the airport."

"Yes, ma'am!" I'm kidding with her. So I take a shower then go to sleep.

The morning after at 3.45 a.m, we wake up and ready to go. We take a shower and have breakfast. Around 4.15, we go to the airport.

"Have you checked your stuffs?" She asks me.

"Yes, I have." I answer her.

"Nothing left behind?"

"Nope. Let's go." It takes around 25 minutes to the airport because it's still early morning, not a lot of traffic. On the way there, we don't talk to much, because we're still sleepy a bit. I turn on the radio to listen some musics.

" kiss me and smile for me. Tell me that you wait for me. Hold me, like you never let me go..."

"It's John Denver's song." I try to break the ice.

"Really? What is the title?" She asks.

" 'cause I'm leaving on a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again. Oh babe, I hate to go."

"That's the title. Leaving on a jet plane."

"Oh.. Exactly." She is chuckling.

"Ha Ha, yeah."

At the airport, we are heading to check in counter. After I put my suitcase, we go to the lounge. I see only a few people, maybe because it's still morning. So we wait there until 5 a.m. Soon there will be announcement to get into the plane.

"The flight to Singapore will leave soon. Please passengers to get ready."

"Well, this is it."

"Okay, you have to get to the plane." She says to me. I look in the eye and say "I'll see you in 2 weeks, my dear. I love you." Then I kiss and hug her. "I love you too." She smiles. I walk away and head to the plane. At 5.30, the plane leaves. It is hard to separate with the one you love, even for a short time. My plane goes higher, until I see only clouds.

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