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My Boy. My Man.

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This is a letter from a father to his son.

My dear son,

it was 4 a.m, you were born in hospital. Your cry was like a singing angel and your face was so beautiful like a golden sun set in the ocean. I realized, a child was born in this big world. You were small and fragile. At the moment, I walked to the window, seeing stars in the sky and prayed "God, thank You for giving us a son to our family. A son who can protect our family. A son who can accompany us wherever we go and we are old. May You bless our son to be a responsible and independent man." I turned myself to you and carried you in my hand. I whisper to you "My boy."

Time passed by, everyday we spent together. I still remember teaching you to ride. You fell many times, but I still tried to catch you. There was a moment when I wasn't beside you when you fell. You were hurt. But I said to you "This wound as a lesson to you, so you'll be careful next time. Don't give up. You can do it."

When you were a teenager, you started to get to know girls. You had date a girl and one day you broke up with her. You shared your story with me. But I told you "Son, your journey is still long. You will meet more women out there. When you're in college or at work. The world is big. And beside, your emotions are not stable yet. You still get distracted easily with other girls. Be patient, you will meet the right one."

You have grown up. One day, you introduced me your girlfriend. I was proud of you with her. You are a grown up man and it's time for you to make your new life with someone you love the most.

Now, I see you at the altar of the church. You smile when you see your woman walked to it. I'm proud of you. And when I walk close to you, I whisper to you "My man." You are now independent in your life. It's time for you to conquer this world.

Remember for days to come. Whenever you need me, I won't be far away.

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