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Book Review: Hujan

The book titled Hujan, in english it's called Rain. The author is Tere Liye. He is from South Sumatra, Indonesia. The book is published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama and the year is 2016. It has 318 pages and it has a soft cover.

The book tells about a female teenager named Lail and a male teenager named Esok, who accidentally met when their city was hit by a big earthquake. At the moment, they still didn't have any feelings one to another, but years went by and they started to love one to another. It's a fiction story and it's a flashback.

Personally, I really like this book. From the first time they met and fought together through hard moments after the earthquake. Then they had to separate to chase their educations and dreams. But at the same time, they always tried to keep met. Finally, there is the climax where Lail had to forget Esok or not. She also met her best friend named Maryam. My favorite part is when Maryam told Lail that it's not about how long humankind can survive as a measure of happiness, but how strong their ability to keep all the pain they had. The moral of the story is good too. The point is we have to be able to accept. If you can accept, then you can forget. But if you can't accept, then you won't forget.

The conclusion, I really like the book. This book is full of adventure and anything than can be learned from it. If you like an adventure story, fight for life, family, then this suits you.

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