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A Book Review: Stories for Rainy Days: Volume III

The book titled Stories for Rainy Days: Volume III. The author is Naela Ali. She is from Jakarta, Indonesia. The book is published by Penerbit KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Indonesia) and this is her third book of this series. It has 195 pages and it has a hard cover. It's a unique book because it has pictures that relate with the stories.

The book tells about things that can make Naela feels comfortable. It's full of romantic stories between a woman and a man. But also it has a story about family. The writing style is very simple, so readers can easily understand what the story tells about.

Personally, I like this book, in terms of format and content. She tells the stories emotionally. Those pictures make the readers feel more connection about what she thinks and feels. She uses the view of first person, so we can position ourselves as the character. For me, I can relate with one of her stories, because I've had it. My favorite part is when she tells her relationship with her father. It's touching.

The conclusion, I like the book. This book is suitable for teenagers or adults. If you like a short story book about love, either with family or your partner, you can read this book.

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