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The Old Man and The Woods

Choop! Choop! Choop!

That is the sound of an old man who cutting woods. Not knowing how long he's been cutting the woods. He's alone there. His surrounding is so serene, only the sound of his axe. Once in a while, he can hear birds shout to another. The old man is not very strong enough to cut more woods. He isn't young anymore, but he still has a young man soul. He counts how many woods he has collected. "Three... Six... Nine... Twelve." At least this would be enough for some days, because he still has some woods at house. After that, he picks up those woods and put it inside his bag made of woven. The bag shaped like a big tube without cover. Then he lifts up the bag and tied to his back. Now he's heading to his house. He doesn't forget to bring his raincoat as well, because it's rainy season.

On his way backs home, he's tired because his old body and stuffs he carries. He's passing a creek and stops by. He takes the water from is hand and drink it. It helps to remove his thirst. While he's drinking, he feels a water drop to his arm. He looks up and sees the sky is getting darker. "Oh, it gonna rain" he thinks. He immediately wears his rain coat. The rain coat is in bad condition. There are holes in some parts. Once done, he continues his way to home.

The road is not smooth. There are some leafs and branches scattered on the ground. The ground isn't flat. Sometimes it goes up or goes down. "The rain is quite heavy" he says that. The rain drops fall to the grass, making a typical sound.

The sun is getting low and the sky is dark because of rain, making it difficult for the old man to see. Sometimes he tripped over the rock. Luckily he doesn't fall. His has a good balance, because since young and almost everyday he does this. He looks ahead and see a yellow light from his house. It's about 50 meters from his position. He keeps walking carefully so he won't fall. His house isn't big. The wall is made of unpainted bricks. The roof is like a big triangle, made of big log. Although it's very plain, but it's very comfy.

When he arrives there, he puts his axe beside the front door and his bag as well. He takes some of it and bring it inside the house. It's quite cold in there and he's wet too. He walks to the fireplace in the corner of the room, and put some woods in to it. He takes a matches on the cupboard near the fireplace. After that he lits the matches and throw it to the fireplace. Then he pulls a rocking chair near him and sits. "Ah.. Finally I can rest." Then he falls asleep.

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