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My Little Girl

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This is a letter from a father to his daughter.

My dear daughter,

It was 3 a.m, you were born in hospital. Your cry was like the singing angel and your face was so beautiful like a golden sun set in the ocean. I realized, a child was born in this big world. You were small and fragile. At the moment, I walked to the window, seeing stars in the sky and then prayed "God, thank you for giving us a daughter to our family. A daughter that can look after family and nurture us. May You bless our daughter to be a loving woman to others." I turned myself to you and carried you in my hand. I cried happily when I was holding you.

Time passed by, everyday we spent together. I still remember the first time I taught you to walk. You fell down several times, but I didn't give up to catch you. Even if you cry because it hurt, I was there and keep supporting you.

When you were a teenager, you started to get to know with boys. I saw you were close with this boy. I told you to not date with him because you still had a long journey and you would see many other options. You got angry, but it's okay. I can understand your anger and I accepted it.

You have grown up to be a beautiful woman. One day you asked me was it the time to find your love and I said "Yes". When you hold his hand, I was happy. But behind, I was sad because you found another man who may replace me.

Now, I'm with you to the altar of the church. I see your man waiting there. And then I see your face, smiling happily. I've never seen your smile so bright in my life. When the time comes, I tell to your man "Take care of her". I see you shedding tears and I hug you. This is the moment, I let you go.

Remember for days to come. Whenever you are in trouble, sorrow or need someone beside you, I'll always be there for you. Cause you will always be my little girl.

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