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Parents and Children

One of my friends shared his relationship with his parents. He complained why parents sometimes spoiled with him whenever he's staying at home. A simple examples like clean up the tableware, cooking rice, replace the drink water, take out the rice cooker, etc. Other things that quite irritated like sometimes they get angry or sensitive with unimportant things. Well, of course it's disturbing us, especially when we want to get relaxed.

After that, we tried to discussed why parents do like that to us. Some minutes later, we made conclusions about that:

1. They want to teach us

Every parents want the best for their children, especially when one day we live by our own. We taught to become independent person. Not to rely others to do something. For that, it needs discipline everyday till it becomes a habit or when we don't need others to remind us.

2. They become "child" again

This will surely happen with all of us. The older a person, the more they become like a child. We, as a young people, are having a golden age and a lot of energy. It's good to return a favor what our parents have done to us.

Remember when we were a child. Our parents struggled to nurture us, no matter what their condition was. Now maybe it's time for us to switch roles with them. Some of my friends have their parents passed away. Maybe they haven't returned the favor to their parents. So, for us who still have parents, be grateful. Because when they aren't around anymore, we will miss those things we call "annoying". Happy Friday!

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