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Remember Those Days

I still remember when we first met. It was August 2014. We met in our beloved college, Multimedia Nusantara University at Function Hall. We all wore white shirt and dark jeans. At that moment, I was sitting and waiting my turn to take a photo for our student card. I saw this guy sat next two seats on my left.

"Are you waiting for a photo shift?" I asked.

"Yes. You too?"

"Yeah. What's your name if I may?"

"You can call me Farell. And you?" He returned asked me.

"I'm Nico. What's your major, Farell?" I asked him that, because at the moment I haven't met anyone who's the same major like me. As far as I met, they were Computer Science, Communication or Graphic Design.

"I'm Computer Engineering. " Farell answered.

"Really? We are in the same major then." I replied him.

That was the first time I knew Farell for the next 4 years in college. I also met with his friend, Andrew. It turned out that Andrew went in Computer Engineering as well. I only knew both of them at the moment.

Farell was a smart person. He had a good grade in every lessons. We were taught to code in early semesters. I was having a hard time to understand how to code, even until now. I tried to ask Farell, what's his tricks to learn coding.

"Farell, how do you learn to code"? I asked him.

"I suggest you to read book about C++ for beginners. I have read it for a while and I can understand it." He answered me that.

I was thinking, he only needed a small time to understand it, but me, the guy with under average for coding would have a hard time. So I borrowed the book from Andrew. Fortunately, he had the book I needed. In short, I read it and only understand a little.

Months by months, we were in the 3rd year. There were so many moments I spent with my close friends, including Farell. Usually we went together for lunch in our brake time. They were very cheerful people, but I was more a serious person, so sometimes I couldn't get their jokes. But it's okay, I tried to be more flexible person. I don't need to take everything seriously, especially for the jokes.

One day, I asked Farell again about coding and he replied me.

"Nic, if I keep answering you the steps, you won't be able to do it by yourself. You need to try by yourself. Try search it from Google, it must be there. If you couldn't find it, then you ask me."

Honestly, his words stayed in my head. I realized, I can not rely on others forever. I had to try my best and if I stuck, then I asked someone else to help me. I thank him for that, because when I was doing internship, I was getting used to search answer from internet. If I couldn't find it, then I asked someone else.

Time passed by, we spent a lot together. Now we are in the end of road. We are in 8th semester. At the beginning of this semester, some of my friends took thesis, including Farell. I didn't take it, because I had problem with my other grade. One moment, I thought myself "Finally this semester has come. Four years we all spent time together. Time was running fast." Me and my friends are still together until now, but from all of us, only Farell had taken the thesis exam. He took the exam at the end of April and he passed. As his friend, I was happy because he and Andrew, the 2 persons I met the first time in college, are the first students graduated in our class.

Some days ago, me and my close friends went to his boarding house. At that time, I didn't know his family was there, to pack his stuffs. Then I knew, that Farell would go back to his home in Semarang.

"Hi, auntie. I'm Nico, Farell's friend." I greeted his mother. I called her 'auntie' because it's normal in Indonesia to call like that to older woman.

"Hi there." She replied. "Are you the same class with Farell?"

"Yes. We are in the same class, Computer Engineering."

I was curious, so I asked her when Farell would leave.

"This Sunday." She answered.

"Oh, this 13th May?" I asked her back.

"Yes, right." She replied me.

I was shocked, because he left this soon. But I thought, he had nothing more to do here, so he would back to Semarang. Now, he would wait for his graduation.

At Saturday, when I finished my class, we were going to dinner. This dinner was for farewell with Farell. We had dinner around 4 p.m. There was a lot of fun at the dinner table. For the moment, it was our last togetherness in this four year college. After dinner, we had a little walk for around 1 hour.

Time was around 6 p.m, this was it. Farell had to go to his family who was in another place. He would stay for one night there and tomorrow he would go to Semarang.

"Farell, until next time. Thank you for helping me all this time. If I can, I will come at your graduation day." I told him when I was going to go home.

"Yes, of course, Nic. Ha-ha." He answered.

"Just try slap yourself, Nic. Maybe it's only a dream. After that, you'll wake up in reality." One of my friends joke at me.

"Ha-ha-ha, yeah, I'll wake up when I was born." I replied him that. After that, we walked apart.

Today is Sunday and he's already back to his home. I don't know if yesterday was the last day I met with him and our last togetherness. I hope, I can come to his graduation day. But if not, I'll remember this moment. After more than 1000 days we spent together and now one by one, we separate, starting a new chapter in our life. I hope when we are older, we still can be together like now. Remember our young moments. Remember those days.

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