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Be Strong Like a Tree

Almost everyday we see a tree. What can we learn from a tree? The higher a tree, the more often it gets blown by the wind. If the root is weak, the tree can collapse and dead.

In life, we can take a lesson from tree. The higher status we have, the more challenge we face. We can take an example from famous artists. There are some moments where mocks or slanders directed against them. A lot of people get jealous to you, because you are "higher" than them. They will try anything to get you down. Even some people claim to be your friends, when you've just met them once and that was only say "Hi!".

So, how to keep you from being affected by them? You have to have a strong mind and heart. Just think those mocks and slanders as your encouragement, to be better in the future. I've read an article, there was this person who just keep smiling whenever people mock him. When being asked why did he just keep smiling, he answered that we need to consider that mocks as fertilizer. Fertilizer is dirty, but for plants it's very useful. Well of course it's only an analogy, but the point is we can understand the meaning, which is we don't need to respond those mocks. There is a saying "The dogs are barking, the caravan moves on". It means ignore everything (sarcasm, protest, critics, etc).

Final word, just keep doing what you think is right. If people mock or say negative things about you, let them be. Prove them that you are right and they are wrong.

Keep up the spirit!

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