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The Silent Night Thoughts

image by AlexRuizArt

Once I woke up at 3 am morning, for a pee. Then went back to my bedroom, trying to sleep again. Closing my eyes and rolling over, couldn't help to get me back to sleep. I had no idea what was in my mind. I didn't know it is true what people say that when we wake up in the middle of the night then it will be hard to sleep again. I tried to take a slow breath and clear my mind, but still couldn't make it.

Tick tock tick tock clock at 3.30 am, I thought it was a good idea to walk out from my bedroom than tried to roll over. I decided to go to rooftop, to get some fresh air. I walked out there and stood up. Just stared to the sky. I thought "Wow, the stars are so beautiful". The sky was clear, not cloudy so I could see the starred sky, twinkling each other. I stared those stars in the silent night, where people were still sleeping. No sound, just a song from the crickets.. Kreekk.. Kreekk.. Kreekk..







Do you know Nyctophile? It is a definition when a person likes darkness or night time. Am I Nyctophillia? I don't know. Maybe.. It's the night where everything is so quiet, no need to think about work, school, college, no noise from vehicles, don't have to meet with annoying people. Just yourself with the moon and stars.

I like to think at the moment "For years to come, what do I want to be? There are so many things I want in this life. There are so many choices I can choose. But I have to choose one to focus on. Especially to pursue my dreams." I kept starring at the moon and the stars. "Will it come true...?"

I went back to my bed room. I tried once more to get sleep. Closed my eyes and cleared my mind.

When I opened my eyes, the clock showed at 6.30 a.m. I woke up and sat on my bed. Didn't think of what just going on. Felt like a dream...

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