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Learn From One of the Hardest Working Animal: Ant

When I was cooking, I saw ants walked through the window. They looked very active. I thought to myself "what are they doing? Are they working now?"

Ants are very known as one of the hardest working animal. They always work to collect foods for the upcoming season. They don't get tired. If you try block their path with your hand or something, they will find a way to through it. There are no obstacles that can make them stop working.

I'm amazed by their characters. Why there are some people who aren't as hard worker as ants? I'll be honest, sometimes I do lazy doing something. But I realize, that I have to get rid this procrastination. Yes, procrastination is the biggest enemy from doing something. We like to think "well, I'll do it later. There is still tomorrow or day after tomorrow." It's not supposed to think like that. What can we do today, we should do it. Don't wait for tomorrow or the next day after. We wouldn't know what would happen tomorrow. It could be something bad happen to us and we haven't done the job we suppose to do. Feel bad, isn't it? Indeed, it feels heavy to start it. I'll take an example, after work hour I'm going to gym for 2 hours. Usually, if we think this way, we'll be lazy. Why? because we already imagine to work out for 2 hours. We have to change our mindset. Try to think "I'll do at least 10 push-ups." We know our goal is to work out for 2 hours, but we have to focus on the process. Think the smaller one (in this case that 10 push-ups), because by doing that our brain and body will adjust and eventually we can do work out for 2 hours.

So, start now. Don't wait for tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Be like an ants. If there's any obstacle, try another way. Me, you, have challenges in life. Let's conquer it and be the winner.

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