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Some Tips to be a Better Speaker or Listener

Talk with someone else thoroughly and listen to them. Those attitudes need to be learnt by everyone in their lives. If you talk with someone else, pay attention how they respond, how they reply it, how is the tone, do they look at you when talking, etc. If their respond is good, you'll happy talking with them. But if it's otherwise, well guess what, you may feel unhappy too. Below there are some good attitudes you should have when talking and listening with someone else:

1. Look at the eye

When we talk with someone else, look at their eyes. It will

show them that you focus about the topic. That person will

feel that we appreciate what they're talking about.

2. Listen and respond

We need to listen well what they're talking about. If they

ask our opinions, then we should give them.

3. Nod

There are moments that we should respond by giving phy-

sical respond, like nodding. Don't just talk and listen with a

straight face. By nodding, we tell them that we understand

what they're talking about.

4. Talk calmly

Don't talk too fast, because they'll have a hard time to hear

us. Don't talk too slow, because they don't have time to

wait your sentences. Mind your tone as well. Don't scream

or too low.

Everyone loves to being paid attention. So why don't we give them the best of attention? Soon you'll get the same result for yourself.

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