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Some Good Personalities You Should Have

I often watch people as they walking, sitting or standing. There are many attitudes that I see. Some of them is good, other is bad. Of course we want to do well in every time we do activities. I have some tips for you to apply in your daily life:

1. Standing straight

People like to see you standing firm and steady. Standing up shows you as

a strong person. Some people I saw, they stand with one leg, so they stand

a little bit sloping. When you do that, you like like have no power or help-

less. So it's good to practice how you stand straightly.

2. Walk with your eyes facing forward

By walking with your eyes facing forward, people will notice that you are in

focus. People won't usually block your way, because they see and know

where you are heading.

3. Walk calmly

It doesn't mean that you walk too slow, but not too fast. If you walk too fast

, people will see you that you are in hurry. If you walk too slow, you look like

never do an exercise.

4. Shake hands tightly

I often met people who don't shake hands tightly. They just like, touch my

hand and say "Hello, nice to meet you", and I was like "Man, that's not po-

lite." If you shake hands tightly, people will see you as a confident person.

They will see, that you appreciate them as well. One more important thing,

you need to see them in the eye. Don't see somewhere else.

It will be good if we keep practice to do these things. Of course it won't be

easy if we haven't done it, but just keep practice until you can do it normally.

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